Thanks for joining me at the AusIMM New Leaders Conference on 2 July, 2020


I hope you found the session useful.

Below you’ll find:

  1. Some links with more information if you want to delve further into your options,
  2. A short survey to give me feedback, and
  3. Some ways you can connect with Money School.

Thanks again for attending, wishing you a fabulous financial future!


1. Links


Here are some of the links I mentioned (and some I didn’t) that you might find useful:

Economic Principles

Animation by Ray Dalio – best 30 minutes you can spend to get a basic grasp on economics.

Your Toolkit

Website for women facing domestic violence and financial abuse – amazing free training

MoneySmart COVID-19 Page

 Direct links to the resources you’re likely to need if you’re in strife

Money School for Young Adults

A 90-minute presentation providing more depth on the topics covered tonight

Lockdown Lunch & Learn

A 60-minute presentation I did for WiTWA (I’m a volunteer)

FI Supply PFD

Grab a copy of the PDF from the presentation

Vogue Australia article

4,000+ words breaking down COVID-19’s impact on women


2. Feedback Form


I’d really appreciate your feedback. Please complete the form below and click ‘Submit’:

If you’re feeling generous, a review on Facebook never goes astray – click ‘Share feedback’ when you get to Facebook 🙂

(…and if you have read my non-fiction book, an online book review would be AMAZING.)


3. Connect with Money School


If this is your first time to the site – welcome!

We help people become financially independent and reclaim their lives through independent, comprehensive financial education.

Want to learn more? Check out:

Lacey’s TEDx Talk

Why you should think about financial independence and mini-retirements

Money School

Lacey’s non-fiction book with Penguin Life (skip to Part 3 for risk management!)

Our Blog

Over 70 articles answering reader questions about money

Our Courses

Independent, online, self-paced learning, including our free course on debt

If you’d like to stay in touch, you’re welcome to follow us on your preferred social media channel (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube), submit a question via our Contact form, or join our mailing list: