Money Debate Survey – For Female Australian Personal Finance Educators/Authors

Feels like the need for financial education for women is a juggernaut gaining momentum.

I’m delighted to see so many incredible women (that’s you!) in this field, making a huge positive difference.

One thing that really gets people thinking is thoughtful, considered debate. Testing ideas to see their stress points, their exceptions, and the range of answers (there’s so rarely a single, absolute correct answer that fits everyone when it comes to money!)

I’d love to create a debate series with you. I don’t have a fixed idea what that would look like, but I’m happy to work with anyone to create something fabulous together.

This form is to gauge where we each differ in our opinions, so we can frame a debate that engages the audience (nothing more boring than a nod-fest, right?)

I hope you’ll join me 🙂