Women and Money Debates – Speaker Participation Form

Thank you for your interest in this virtual summit, 31 August to 4 September 2020.

If you have any questions about the summit, please contact Lacey (lacey@moneyschool.org.au) and/or Kate (kate@moneybites.com).

We’ll get back to you 19 July regarding a proposed panel for your participation. Have a fabulous day!

  • We expect all live sessions to run between 18:00 (6pm) and 20:00 (8pm), GMT+10hrs (AEST)
  • This would be a video of up to 20 minutes duration covering an educational topic about money, which would be available for attendees to watch in the week prior to the Summit. You would need to send the video file to the organiser by 9 August 2020.
  • This would be in addition to participating in a different panel as a panelist.
  • We want to encourage respectful and robust debate in this series, so we would like to compose panels of those with opposing strong views on topics. If your response is 'it depends' - then you probably don't feel strongly about that topic 🙂
  • If you prefer, you are welcome to record a short video and paste a URL here for us to watch. Please explain any additional topics you propose for inclusion.
  • Please provide their name and let us know whether you have contact details for this speaker. Please keep in mind we are aiming to flip the usual gender balance at summits (max 30% male speakers), and we are keen to have diverse speakers (including race & ethnicity, age, ability, and LGBTQI).
  • We've got 'Women and Money Debates' as a placeholder, but we welcome your input for a catchier name!