You’ve taken Step 1 on the road to financial independence and put in place a savings plan, and next up is investments. Good work! Next you’ll need to make some choices about what to do with those precious dollars. Been watching the markets amid election pre-selection...
Short answer: yes. This raises a few questions: Which debts should you pay first? How much more should you pay? What if you are having trouble finding any extra cash? Let’s examine some possibilities. Which debts should you pay first? Short...
By Lacey Filipich BEng(Hons) MAICD Cert Gov (NFP) Ah, those little pieces of plastic. I dimly remember a time in my childhood when there was a paper system for credit cards that involved taking an imprint with what looked and sounded like a machine designed to take...
By Lacey Filipich BEng(Hons) MAICD On Tuesday, the Reserve Bank dropped the official interest rate to 2% – an all-time low. On Wednesday, Joe Hockey sent out the message: now is a good time to borrow. But is it really? There’s no doubt it would be great for the...
By Lacey Filipich BEng(Hons) MAICD Imagine you’re a low-income earner and you’re in debt. Your debt is high enough proportional to your wage that you’re effectively bankrupt, and hence can’t even access your bank accounts. You have no savings and no property. You’re...