We’ve just finished the inaugural three-day Building Financially Capable Communities Conference in Auckland, New Zealand. Days One and Two focused on research. In short, there are some remarkable people at impressive institutions investigating financial...
We had an excellent first day of the inaugural Building Financially Capable Communities conference in Auckland. Then Day 2 topped it! Friday’s interesting information left me feeling like my brain might explode. … the best possible way 🙂 Warning #1:...
I’m in beautiful Auckland this week. It’s my first visit to New Zealand’s north island, and I’m impressed. I learned today there are 90 cranes operating in the city, more than any American city. Such development is wonderful to see. ...
Before you start worrying about the validity of my ‘Working with Children’ card… I’m part of the ‘Women in Leadership Driving Change’ group that visits women in prison. We deliver training on re-entering the workforce. The program is called ‘Tall...
Want to learn how to manage your money wisely? Good news! There are truckloads of solid financial education materials available – for free – to help you get up to speed. We’ve popped them all into a handy eBook you can download by entering your email...