Want to learn how to manage your money wisely? Good news! There are truckloads of solid financial education materials available – for free – to help you get up to speed. We’ve popped them all into a handy eBook you can download by entering your email...
If you’ve read anything about Money School, you’d know we wouldn’t be here without Fran, the mother half of the our mother-daughter team. Fran’s a bit shy. She’s more than happy to be in the background. Getting in front of a camera was a...
I recently had an interesting (and somewhat frustrating) discussion with a financial planner about making extra superannuation contributions. In general, she thought it was a good idea. In general, I was against it. We both agreed that specific situations warranted...
By Fran White There’s Death and Taxes and then there’s Money – another certainty of life is that money will have an impact on it. We Baby Boomers will have to manage money for more years than any prior generation as we outlive old life expectancies, and this includes...
By Lacey Filipich BEng(Hons) MAICD Cert Gov (NFP) When talking to people about their financial goals, a common question they seem to ask themselves (and me, and I assume their financial planner) is: How much money do I need to retire? It’s an interesting question, but...
When I opened the interview with Erica by explaining I wanted to blog about her experiences building homes, I said she’d built a lot. Her response was, ‘Oh, I don’t know about that.’ She’s built 18 houses in her life. Call me crazy, but that’s my definition of ‘a lot’...