Australia’s financial future and what it means for you

Australia’s financial future and what it means for you

By Lacey Filipich BEng(Hons) MAICD The 2015 Intergenerational Report (‘The Report’) was published on 5 March 2015. It’s a predictive exercise: based on today, where will we (Australia) be in 40 years? Assumptions abound and of course you can spend a lot of time on...
The Debt Fairy

The Debt Fairy

By Lacey Filipich BEng(Hons) MAICD Imagine you’re a low-income earner and you’re in debt. Your debt is high enough proportional to your wage that you’re effectively bankrupt, and hence can’t even access your bank accounts. You have no savings and no property. You’re...
Poverty in Australia? You betcha.

Poverty in Australia? You betcha.

By Lacey Filipich, BEng(Hons), MAICD ‘He had heard people speak contemptuously of money: he wondered if they had ever tried to do without it.’  – W. Somerset Maugham (1874 – 1965) In 2005, I watched an Australian film called Three Dollars and was...
To ‘B’ or not to ‘B’: Budgeting

To ‘B’ or not to ‘B’: Budgeting

The people who do not cringe at the phrase ‘let’s do a budget’ are few and far between, and more often than not they hold accounting degrees. That particular ‘b’ word (budgeting) has the power to strike fear into the hearts of men and women alike for a number of...