‘Is the next big market crash coming?’ …is the questions I get most often right now. Money School readers are worried, and that’s rational. It shows you’re paying attention. Hopefully this blog helps, and the bottom line is: I’ve decided not to worry...
What official declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic means is front of mind for most of us now. For most of people reading this, it’s the first time we’ve had a pandemic experience. We’re making decisions we’ve never made before. Is it safe to go into work? Should I...
Ever thought about becoming a share trader? Ever heard of the stock market rollercoaster? The stock market can be a nerve wracking pastime. In this Blog, Fran shares her recent experience with the highs and lows of share trading! Monday : As usual I...
Twice a year, the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) runs a Sharemarket Game (I’ll call it ‘The Game’ from here on in). There’s a public version for any adult and a school version for students. I’ve played it several times and I’ve sucked at it. The photo at the top of...
By Lacey Filipich BEng(Hons) MAICD Cert Gov (NFP) It’s official – China is not indestructible. The 8%+ growth machine has faltered, sending shock waves around the globe. In our own backyard, we’ve seen a sharp decline in the stock market then a small recovery (today...