I have a confession: I indulge in a form of gambling. It’s called short-term share trading. It’s akin to a bout of binge drinking after nine months of abstinence while pregnant. Ill advised, and I like it. Here’s why. “Honestly Officer, I’m usually...
Twice a year, the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) runs a Sharemarket Game (I’ll call it ‘The Game’ from here on in). There’s a public version for any adult and a school version for students. I’ve played it several times and I’ve sucked at it. The photo at the top of...
Want to learn how to manage your money wisely? Good news! There are truckloads of solid financial education materials available – for free – to help you get up to speed. We’ve popped them all into a handy eBook you can download by entering your email...
If you’ve read anything about Money School, you’d know we wouldn’t be here without Fran, the mother half of the our mother-daughter team. Fran’s a bit shy. She’s more than happy to be in the background. Getting in front of a camera was a...
I recently had an interesting (and somewhat frustrating) discussion with a financial planner about making extra superannuation contributions. In general, she thought it was a good idea. In general, I was against it. We both agreed that specific situations warranted...
Ethical banking started in response to educated consumers wanting assurance that their money is not being used to cause damage. Like recycling, taking shorter showers and buying your food from the local farmers market, it’s another way you can personally contribute to...